A stay for a few night in the Kruger Park in South Africa requires careful planning. The Park will never disappoint the visitor and this list should help you to be prepared for a memorable stay!
- Make sure you book well in advance as you can only stay in the Kruger Park overnight if you already have a booking. This is easy to do through the Kruger Park central reservations office.
- Find out whether the camp you have booked in at has a restaurant, shop or is a bush camp with neither of these facilities. If your camp does not have a shop or restaurant make sure you take food for your stay.
- Buy a map of the Kruger Park so you can plan your route carefully.
- Make sure your vehicle is full of fuel before you depart.
- Pack the following: charcoal, firelighters, matches, corkscrew and bottle-opener & food and drink ( including alcohol!)
- Take your own water as the water at the camps is not drinkable.
- Pack your digital camera and the charger.
- Take a pair of binoculars for each person and identification books!
- Pack toiletries including loo roll!
- Take torches as the camps are dark at night.
- Pack cool clothes for the day - neutral safari colours are best. Several layers are a great idea as it is cod in the early morning but soon gets very hot.
- Take a fleecey with you for the evenings as they can be cold during the South African winter months.
- Wear strong boots if you intend to go on a walking safari with a guide.
- Take a hat to keep your head cool and for use at sunset when the sun is very low in the sky.
- Take a good mosquito repellent, we use Bug Geroff products which was developed for use in the Kruger Park.
- Take prophylactics to guard you against malaria if appropriate.
- Take a basic first aid kit which contains tablets for upset stomachs!
- Try to use products that the local use as they are made for that type of terrain, Rogue hats , boots & bags and Bug Geroff insect repellent are great options.
- Speak to the local pharmacist in the area about anti-malarial prophylactics, they will be able to advise you whether they are needed and which ones the locals use.
- To recharge cameras etc. pack a block extension lead with a South African plug on the end so you can always charge your UK devices!
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